What is Syncing?
Syncing is a process that creates and updates your inventories in your Tidal Workspace. This is useful if you would like to update a lot of data across many different records. It can also be useful to keep your inventory up to date with an external date source, by continually updating your inventory on a recurring schedule.
How do I sync my servers?
To upload your server inventory into your Tidal workspace you need to transform your data into JSON format.
This data can be passed as standard input to the tidal sync servers
command and your servers data will be synchronized via the API.
The JSON document must have this specified format. The top-level key must be "servers"
with a value of an array. The array can consist of the various keys as shown below, describing the server to be synced.
You can also include any other arbitrary fields in the key "custom_fields"
cat x.json | tidal sync servers
any custom fields presented will be automatically created if they don’t already exist. If you provide the data to the
command as an argument (ie. tidal sync servers x.json
) you will be prompted to create any custom fields if they don’t
already exist.{
"servers": [
"host_name": "ewrfceapcfg03",
"description": "This is a general description for this server.",
"custom_fields": {
"tcp_port": 11441,
"database_software": "SQL 2008 SP3",
"database_version": "10.0.5538.0"
"fqdn": "ewrfceapcfg03.com",
"environment_id": 2,
"assigned_id": "198",
"zone": "Data",
"ram_allocated_gb": 8,
"storage_allocated_gb": 83.8,
"storage_used_gb": 52.06,
"cluster_id": 48337,
"role": "Administrator",
"cpu_count": 4,
"ram_used_gb": 2,
"virtual": true,
"environment": {
"name": "Production",
"cluster": {
"host_name": "rrfedfds"
The synchronization of your servers to Tidal can be performed with the following command:
tidal sync servers some_file.json
Any servers provided that already exist, based on their hostname, will be updated with the data provided in the JSON document. If no server with the given hostname exists, that server will be created with all the included data.
You can easily set this to run periodically so that your servers are synced on a daily basis and the data is up to date. This is a great resource on setting the command as a cron job.
We recommend that you setup your inventories to sync every 24 hours, this will keep your resource inventory up to date and accurate over time.
Transforming your data
If your server inventory is not available in the required JSON format, don’t worry we have you covered.
Suppose you have a csv file.
Below is a sample Ruby script transform.rb that will read the data within the file passed in as standard input, transform it to the JSON format above and output it as standard output.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'json'
require 'csv'
def to_bool(str)
if str == "true" || str == "yes"
str = true
str = false
def transform(input)
# convert input to proper csv format
csv = CSV.parse(input,{ encoding: "UTF-8", headers: true, header_converters: :symbol, converters: :all} )
# convert csv to hashmap with key value pairs
json = csv.map { |row| row.to_hash }
data = {servers: []}
json.each do |vm|
props = {}
props[:cluster] = {:host_name => vm[:cluster_host_name]}
props[:custom_fields] = {:tcp_port => vm[:custom_fields_tcp_port],
:database_software => vm[:custom_fields_database_software],
:database_version => vm[:custom_fields_version]}
props[:assigned_id] = vm[:assigned_id].to_s
props[:virtual] = to_bool(vm[:virtual])
c = vm.merge(props)
data[:servers].push c
# display data in pretty json format
puts JSON.pretty_generate(data)
data = STDIN.read
transform data
The script above is an example of how to easily transform your data into the necessary JSON object. It can be altered to work with your data or it could be rewritten in any language of your choice.
Change the file permissions to make the script executable using:
chmod +x ./transform.rb
You can now use your script with a given CSV file and it will be synced to your account via the API. Run the following command:
./transform.rb < some_file.csv | tidal sync servers
How do I sync my servers in more automated fashion?
Instead of manually providing all of your servers details, you can utilize Machine Stats utility to gather all the stats from your servers environment. Follow the Machine Stats installation and configuration steps available on the tool’s GitHub page.
How do I sync other resources?
You also have the option of syncing your Applications and Database Instances.
Sync your Applications
You can sync your Applications with the following command:
tidal sync apps some_file.json
When importing your applications to the API, Tidal’s sync tool will check for existing applications, based on their name, and update the changed data for those applications. If the given application to sync does not exist already, it will add that application to the Tidal API.
To synchronize your Application data, It must have the following JSON format.
"apps": [
"name": "App_name",
"custom_fields": {
"technologies": "Approval Management System DB"
"description": "This is a general purpose application",
"servers": [
"host_name": "trpewrcapbiz02"
"database_instances": [
"name": "my_app_db"
"urls": [
"url": "https://approvalmanagementsystem.com"
"environment": {
"name": "Production"
"source_code_location": [
Sync your Database Instances
You can sync your Database Instances with the following command:
tidal sync dbs some_file.json
When importing your database instances to the API, Tidal’s sync tool will check for existing database instances, based on their name, and update the changed data for those database instances. If the given database instance to sync does not exist already, it will add it to the Tidal API.
To synchronize your Database Instances data, It must have the following JSON format.
"database_instances" : [
"name": "720 TASK DB",
"database_size_mb": 1870,
"database_path": "C:\\system\\databases\\720_TASK_DB",
"description": "This is a general description for this database instance. This database primarily purpose it to server an application that needs this data.",
"environment": {
"custom_fields": {
"technologies": "Approval Management System DB"